Press Release
HECO joins SMUD and TEPCO HD Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charging (V2X) Technology studies accelerating carbon reduction goals through transportation electrification

January 30, 2024

Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.

Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. (“HECO”), Sacramento Municipal Utility District (“SMUD”), and Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (“TEPCO HD”) today announced a collaboration agreement (“MOU”) for the use of V2X*1 technology that will further accelerate efforts to electrify the transportation sector and achieve carbon neutrality.
In 2022*2, SMUD and TEPCO HD agreed to conduct joint research and mutual cooperation on expanding the deployment of electric vehicles (“EVs”) and providing support for V2X technology, while maintaining a resilient and reliable power system. Through this MOU, HECO will join the collaboration between SMUD, one of the world's leading regions for the sales of EVs, and TEPCO HD, Japan's largest electric power company. The three parties aim to further the deployment of EVs and solar power generation to achieve carbon neutrality, lower electricity costs, and reduce the load on power transmission and distribution equipment.
Specifically, through the development and trial operation of technologies and systems that control EVs, the three parties will determine the optimal way to utilize EVs including charging and pricing formats. The three parties will also examine the planning and operation of power systems and the economic impact on customers.
Technologies such as EV charging management and bidirectional charging (V2X) enable the effective utilization of renewable energy. Additionally, in the event of a disaster, electricity stored in EV batteries can be used as an emergency power source for lighting, etc. in customer buildings, aiding in the creation of next-generation urban development that is both carbon neutral and disaster-resilient.
SMUD and HECO will conduct specific studies regarding V2X technology between EVs and power grids, positioning it as a key technology that is highly effective for efficient equipment configuration and system operation.
TEPCO HD will provide support for the deployment of V2X technology by leveraging the knowledge it has gained from demonstrations on V2X technology up to fiscal 2020.
Through this MOU, the three parties aim to play a leading role in the development of power system operation technology, including V2X technology for EVs, and achieve both carbon neutrality and economic efficiency.

*1 V2X (Vehicle to X):
Abbreviation for Vehicle to X, meaning that power is supplied from the car to X (object)

*2 Press release: “SMUD and TEPCO partnership accelerates transportation electrification, decarbonization goals”


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