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Press Releases 2015

Press Release (Feb 24, 2015)TEPCO announces recruitment plan for FY 2016

Tokyo Electric Power Company is planning to introduce Holding Company system from April 2016 to provide new energy service and improve corporate value. This plan is to accomplish company's mission which are the compensation toward accident victims, decommissioning Fukushima Daiichi NPS, revitalization of the community and enhancing profit base for sustainable re-construction as well as stable supply of energy for the future by balancing "responsibility" and "competitiveness".
Based on above plan, TEPCO has decided to recruit 600 employees in FY 2016 to create new company value and maintain the technologies and skills for sure.

The break down of new members are 550 as regular recruitment, and 50 as year-round recruitment. Among them, TEPCO is considering recruiting roughly 60 (10%) new graduates from the University, Career College and High-school in Fukushima Prefecture for the purpose of contributing to Fukusima revitalization.

Blow is the break down of recruitment numbers by academic background

break down of recruitment numbers by academic background

Note: The details of the recruitment information will be posted on the TEPCO's website after March 1, 2015
(Japanese version only)

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