35Seismic motion Response to earthquakes
and tsunamis

Requirements from the New Regulatory Requirements
A design basis seismic motion* should be developed based on the latest scientific and technical knowledge from the site
 and its surrounding geology and geological structures as well as from seismology and earthquake engineering aspects.
 *Nuclear power station’s seismic design as the standard
Actions taken at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station
A design basis seismic motion was developed from the identification of active faults (epicenter) that could greatly affect the power station,
 survey results of underground structures of the site, and analytical results of detailed geological surveys and earthquake records.


35Seismic motion Response to earthquakes
and tsunamis

Requirements from the New Regulatory Requirements
A design basis seismic motion* should be developed based on the latest scientific and technical knowledge from the site and its surrounding geology and geological structures as well as from seismology and earthquake engineering aspects.
*Nuclear power station’s seismic design as the standard
Actions taken at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station
A design basis seismic motion was developed from the identification of active faults (epicenter) that could greatly affect the power station, survey results of underground structures of the site, and analytical results of detailed geological surveys and earthquake records.